Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Certifications - BBFC - 12/12A

Films with the classification 12/12A should contain/Not contain the following things:
-Discriminatory language can be used, if not endorsed or heavily condemned.
- Drug use must be infrequent, and not involve instructional detail.
- Moderate threats of either physical, or psychological but may not be frequent or sustained.
- Cirumstances such as hanging, or suicide can be shown but only in small detail. Easy accesible weapons can also be shown but not be glamourised.
- Moderate language can be used, however strong langue must be infrequent.
- Nudity is permitted aswell as mild sexual content, but it must not be in detail and must be brief.
- Sexual references must not go above what is usually permitted for teenagers.
- Violence is allowed, however it must not be in detail, and there should be no emphasis on blood or injury. If justified, there can be mild gore content.

12 is a classification only for DVD's. This means no one under the age of 12 can buy or rent the film.
12A is a classification only for the cinema. This means no one under the age of 12 can view the film, unless permitted by an acompanying adult.